Cosmetic Surgery Excellence


Realself Answer: Question re: breast lift or breast augmentation or mastopexy augmentation mammoplasty

Thank you for your interest in breast lift +/- augmentation.  This is a truly wonderful surgery and our patients are thrilled to have beautiful breast.   The surgical cost is dependent on many issues including the type and style of…

Realself Answer: Question regarding Breast Implants Augmentation Submammary

Breast Augmentation with silicone or saline implants in the sub-mammary position will create and / or restore a beautifully aesthetic breast in proportion to the rest of the body.

Realself Answer: Question regarding a breast lift

Breast lift ( mastopexy) is a very popular and wonderful procedure that brings the nipple up and often reduces the size of the areola (brown around the nipple) and creates a more round and attractive breast.  This is an excellent…

Realself answer: Question Regarding Labiaplasty Labial reducition

Labiaplasty is surgery of the tissue around the opening of the vagina.  There are external labia (labia majora) which have skin and hair and internal labia (labia minora) which are mucous membranes that are hairless and outside of the vagina. …

Realself Answer: Question regarding Facelift and Fillers

Facelift is a wonderful procedure to establish a younger loooking person at many ages.  The results are excellent and they typically last for 8-20 years depending on the skin quality of the patient. The younger individual will typically start to…

Realself Answer: regarding timing of lower eyelid surgery

It is not uncommon to have the lower eyelid fat bulging from childhood. This is a genetic predisposition which you may find several members of the family have the same problem.  The fillers done well will often mask this problem,…

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