Q: Is my belly button healing ok or is it infected? (Photo)
I am 4 weeks post op from tt and mr! I am very happy with my results so far! I am just concerned about the size of my belly button and as well as the oozing which started 1 week ago! It was healing really well and then the scab came off and has been oozing ever since

A: Cellulitis may be infection, or spitting suture
I hope you have showed this to your surgeon already, if not, you should. Any time there is redness you want to be seen right away because if this is a small infection you want to get it treated with antibiotics immediately. You can have the open area swabbed and cultured for bacteria. It is not unusual to have a little area which separates or a stitch that spits, but it does need to be treated properly to have it heal as effectively and quickly as possible by starting the correct treatment as soon you can. Most likely it is a suture which your body has not broken down so it is trying to spit it, however, never assume anything and go to your doctor!