Cosmetic Surgery Excellence

Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty scars- Realself

Q: Tummy Tuck Scars

I imagine that you can have tummy tuck scars hidden below your underpants but is this true? can i wear a bikini 1 year after tummy tuck?

A: Tummy tuck scars can be hidden

In general the markings for the tummy tuck may vary from surgeon to surgeon.  I like to have the patient bring in their favorite bikini or undies to the surgery so that the markings can be placed to end up within this area.  What has to be understood is that skin and fat of the tummy is being removed from the belly button to the pubic area. The upper belly skin/fat flap will be stretched down to the incision.  This may cause the incision to rise up a little during the healing process.  This does add a tiny bit of variability and the potential for the scar to rise a little.  Typically this will still be within the area of the bikini.  However, if the scar is a little high, it is possible after a year to lower that scar further down.  This is done on people who have had scars placed too high by another physician, or whose style has changed over the years with new positions of the bathing suit as fashions change.  This is a very important issue to be considered. It is very important that you look at the results of the doctors you interview to be sure you like the position of the scar with the technique that they choose.

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