Cosmetic Surgery Excellence

Facial Filler #1 – Realself

Q: What are these lines on my cheeks and how do I get rid of or lessen them? (Photo)

I’m 21 years old and in excellent shape and health. I’ve always had chubby cheeks and these terrible lines. It’s rare that I can take a decent picture without them showing. Any suggestions or clue as to why I have them?

A: First signs of aging – the groove between the lower lid and cheek 🙁

Unfortunately, you are aging!! That is one of the first signs of aging and it is easily correctable. My favorite thing to correct this line is with injectable filler such as Radiesse or Restylane.  Both of these products are controllable and produce an excellent result by eliminating the shadow. The ideal correction is the bring the fold to neutral- no shadow.  The Radiesse lasts up to a year and the Restylane only 6-9 months. The choice depends on the skin quality as Radiesse is heavier and more effective in holding up thicker skin.  The Restylane is clear and better for more superficial injections.  It is hard to tell but it is not clear that this is fat herniation from behind the eyelid which would be treated with a lower eyelid blepharoplasty.  You would need to be seen to assess this.  The lower eyelid blepharoplasty is a long term fix if this is truly fat herniation but I suspect this is more related to the deflation and sagging of the cheek than the fat herniation at this age.   Exam will tell.  Either way, you have great options and most likely you would be thrilled with the effects of the injectable because you walk out of the office with 100% correction and you look good and feel good immediately.

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