Q: One of my lids is more slanted, lower and covered than the other. Is there a way to correct this? (Photo)
one of my lids is more slanted, lower and covered than the other. Is there a way to correct this? Would eye lid tape be helpful as a non-permanent option, or would it be too difficult to maneuver to look well done? I understand my eyebrow adds to the unevenness but I’m more concerned about the lid. Thanks

A: Asymmetry is normal and allows for a more beautiful face!
Everyone has asymmetries and as stated- when you look at models etc. the most beautiful typically have more asymmetries than the less- so enjoy it! It is a normal so please don’t try to do something to your face that you will regret- Your eyes are nice!! So move on and enjoy how beautiful they are while you are still young!!!
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