Q: Is It Possible for a Saline Breast Implant to Be Leaking Slowly?
I had saline implants 2 months ago.During the first week i tighened the band much more than supposed to to the pt it bothered me,there was a decrease in shape and size of one breast although it has not changed so much during the last month.I had an MRI and the implants look more or less symetric but the smaller breast had 400cc and the bigger one 390cc , should the one with 400cc look bigger in the x ray? in any case it looks smaller.Is it possible the implant is slowly deflating?

A: Implant appearance is often deceptive following augmentation
The answer to your question is yes. Saline implants can leak slowly from implant failure or from a needle injury during surgery. The actual question is…. is the implant leaking or is the asymmetry of your breast exacerbated by the placement of implants. This is much more difficult to discern. What I can see is that you had preop asymmetry which is more visible post op as the height of the breast are quite different. It is very difficult to determine what the implants will look like post op because sometimes the smaller implant has more ptosis/ sag so that it actually has a bigger pocket than it appears. It is very difficult to know if there is a slow leak but time will tell. If the implant continues to get smaller it is a leak. If the size stabilizes over the next month or 2, it is the way your pockets are stretching with the implants, so the correction may be require pocket change and sizers to determine the implant size that will best achieve symmetry.
I hope this is helpful. Good luck!