Cosmetic Surgery Excellence

Breast Augmentation Post Op complication separation of breast- Realself

Q: Breasts Far Apart 3 Weeks After Lift with Implants

I had vertical breast lift with augmentation, implants placed under the muscle with 240 cc moderate profile saline implants. it has been 3 weeks since surgery, but my implants are sitting under my arms. I’ve seen questions about the implants sitting too high, but not far apart. Will this get better and is there any way to help them move more to the center of my chest?

A: Breast implants position changes with time

It is best to keep communicating with your doctor and learn from their experience. You are early post op and the tissue may need to stretch. This may be a risk of the submuscular placement of the implants.

The dissection to get the implants to the midline is tenuous and the muscle will potentially be pulling the implants to the side if not adequately released. Your plastic surgeon should be able to discuss with you if this is something that will resolve over time. If no resolution in 6 months, consider asking your doctor for options to improve the implant position.

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