Cosmetic Surgery Excellence

Realself Answer: Question: Deciding between augmentation mastopexy vs. augmenation

It sounds like you need to have the breast possibly reduced and both breast lifted.  The implants will effectively change the volume but will rarely help the appearance adequately.  The only way to effectively achieve symmetry is to be sure that the nipple areolar complex is symmetric both from side to side and from the distance to the inframammary crease and midline.  I more often than not will incorporate a wise pattern lift with the implantation.  You can take a look at my website and see several asymmetry patients who have done very well under “augmentation mastopexy”.  You may need to have the implants removed and the breast reduced. This is the same scar as the mastopexy.  Whether the implants stay in or are changed in size or removed in order to achieve symmetry, you should be able to get a nicely symmetric breast with a doctor who understands how to create this. Best of luck!!

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